Your Child’s Day At Planet Tiny Nursery & Preschool
Children’s Daily Activities, this is a timetable for the Daily Activities for the Children. These specific activities will take place in the Morning and Afternoon, alongside all other planned activities for the day/week.
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning Activities | French | Spanish |
Jenny`s Jam Care home visit |
Outing | Football |
Afternoon Activities | Forest school | Forest school | Forest school | Cooking | Music & Movement |
Our Daily Routine
8:00 We welcome the children whilst encouraging them to take off their shoes and coats independently and change into their slippers.Children identify themselves on the picture board and register themselves as present
8:15-10:00 There are various activities for the children to take part in during this time ranging from water and sand play, story time,painting,outdoor play,dancing,singing,floor toys,musical instruments etc.During this period the key person is able to carry out their focus/planned activities on their key child. Children are encouraged to help themselves from the "rolling snack" table and regularly visit the toilet
10:00 Circle time (story time, group discussion, show and tell)
11:00 Either Spanish, French, Yoga, Pottery, Dance and Drama
11:45 Tidy up time and washing hands getting ready for lunch
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Story time, classical music listening and relaxation time
12:45 Sleep time for the younger children and "big work" for the older ones
13:30 Free flow play time either inside or out depending on the children preference
14:00 Island time - sitting in key groups taking part in either mathematical or scientific activities
15:00 Tea time
15:30-16:15 Afternoon extra curricular activity (Cooking, drama, music, pottery etc)
16:30-17:00 circle time ( story time, group discussion, show and tell etc)
17:00 Snack time (A variety of fruit with either crackers, bread sticks, rice cakes, raisins, melba toast)
17:20-18:00 Depending on the day either story time, relaxation time, exercise time, dance practice or sports in hall)
18:00 Nursery closes